dinsdag 26 mei 2009

Tenth old improv

This is an improvisation I recorded in 2004, with Ludo van der Winkel (bass) and Onno Govaert (drums). http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/303807/Podcast/10.%20tenth.mp3

zondag 10 mei 2009

Ninth guitar improv

This is already the ninth guitar improv. Recorded last week.

By the way, would you like to have my album Tonelist for free?
Then follow these steps:
1. Think of 4 friends of yours that might enjoy my music. (more than 4 is also good)
2. Send them the link to my website, or forward this email to them, and make them sign up the mailinglist.
3. Once 4 (or more) of your friends added themselves to the mailinglist, you can let me know, and I'll give you a special and exclusive download code so you can download the album for free :)
-(this offer expires in 2 weeks.)

Good luck,
And a good weekend.
